With the increasing awareness and growing sense of responsibility, one of the newest and fast catching up and an important standard is ISO 50001:2011. This standard incorporates improving energy usage and efficiency through Energy Management System (EMS) hence thereby reducing carbon footprints and saving on energy costs for the organisation. Benefits of implementation as mentioned below but not limited to the list.
- Implementation provides a high-level framework for Energy Management thereby improving alignment with other management systems allowing organisations to integrate various systems.
- the data explicitly obtained from the system’s.
- Implementation of better energy usage policy helping improve energy management and reduce costs.
- Better energy management and performance, it helps to improve energy performance by incorporating measurements such as an energy performance indicator, a reference energy performance indicator, and ongoing energy performance improvements.
- Greater level of continual improvement through planning analyse and action: The new ISO 50001 standard focuses on data collecting in order to plan the energy management system and procedures for analysis and evaluation. It helps enhance energy efficiency, conforms with legal and other standards, and meets the energy objectives.